Room hire
Notting Hill Methodist Church offers a range of rooms available for hire, providing a versatile space for various activities. In 2021, the church hall underwent extensive refurbishment, which included significant improvements to the kitchen and toilets.
Our building serves as a hub for numerous churches and community groups, accommodating their events and gatherings. Whether you require a room for a one-time occasion or a regular booking, we can cater to your needs. With rooms of various sizes spread across three floors, accessibility is ensured through the availability of a lift. These spaces are suitable for a wide range of events, such as counselling sessions, training programs, and seminars.
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Contact us
To ensure a smooth and regulated process, all room bookings will adhere to the terms outlined in our Methodist Church license agreement and lettings policy.
Prior to finalizing the room hire, we kindly request that you complete a booking form.
Additionally, we require all individuals to watch a series of videos on the safe use of our building, promoting a secure environment for everyone involved.
Please note that in accordance with our agreement and Methodist Standing Orders, the sale or consumption of alcohol on the premises is not permitted.
Furthermore, we are unable to accommodate groups seeking to hold non-Christian acts of worship.