On Sundays at 11.00am, we gather to praise God, to learn more about the life God calls us to, and to support one another in our call.
Each Sunday you’ll find us praising God in song, learning from ministers, preachers and each other. We take time to listen to and reflect upon passages from the Bible. Worship includes praying for the local community, individuals and the issues in the world around us.
The pattern of worship includes Holy Communion on the 1st Sunday in the month and regular All Age Worship. You are welcome to receive the bread and wine (see our Frequently Asked Questions below).
After the service we invite you to join us for fellowship and meeting together over tea and coffee. There is often food served and occasionally some Caribbean curry!
If you’re new to Christian worship, or just want to know about how we seek to encounter God, read through our Frequently Asked Questions below.
In the week we’re a community of people who aim to follow the way of Jesus we worship by the way we live our lives. Throughout the week as disciples of Jesus we are called to live out his inclusive, radical mission of love which leads to transformation.
All of us experience challenges at points in our lives. The church community is a place where you can find support in times of need.
The minister and others are available to talk confidentially if that would be helpful, and we have a team of pastoral visitors who will come to meet you in your home or at church.
Frequently Asked Questions
I'm a bit unsure about church. Can someone show me around?
Absolutely! Whether you’re new to the area or completely new to the faith, we’d be very happy to arrange for a church leader or member to meet you outside the worship hours and sit with you during your first visit to worship. To arrange this, just get in touch!
How do you cater for those with additional needs?
We welcome everyone, whatever their age, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, or ability. We try to be inclusive of everyone by offering:
A hearing loop
Disabled toilets
Disabled access and lifts
Large print hymn books and Bibles (on request)
Assistance with finding a place to sit or in accessing refreshments and facilities (upon request)
Please let a steward or leader know if you need any help, or if something hasn’t been provided that we can sort for you.
Will I be asked to give money?
Most weeks we take up an offering/collection in support of the work of the church. Anything you give in the collection is used towards sharing God’s love. Please don’t feel obliged to contribute, especially if you’re new to worshipping with us.
Is there a dress code?
Not at all! Some members of our church view the act of worship as a formal occasion- almost like a wedding and come dressed accordingly. Other members dress quite informally as they would when relaxing with friends.
Can I receive Holy Communion?
The Methodist Church offers an “open table” stating that all those who are baptised may receive the elements of bread and wine. Jesus called us to remember him whenever we share bread and wine which is why at Notting Hill, all who want to know more of God’s love are welcome to receive – including children.
How long do the services last?
Our services last between 60 and 90 minutes. We have tea and coffee straight after every service, so that’s a good time to hang around and make new connections!
Can I bring my children with me?
Absolutely! We are currently reviewing our work with children and young people. At the moment children come into the services with their grown-ups and we aim for the worship to be intergenerational. Every 3 months we hold all-age service, similar to intergenerational worship where children and adults worship together. These services are designed specially to be accessible to young children as well as adults.
Will I be expected to do anything?
We’d never ask you to do something you’re uncomfortable with. During services you will be invited to stand (if you’re able) to join in with the worship songs, and you will be invited to come to the front of church to receive communion if you wish. On your first visit you may be invited to stand and introduce yourself. You can say as little as you like. Most weeks, we also take up an offering/collection to support the work of the church. As a visitor, you’re welcome to either contribute or just pass it along to the next person.